Thursday 9 January 2014

Winter sales haul

As I mentioned a few posts ago I did do a little bit of Christmas sale shopping almost 2 weeks ago and here are the items I picked up. 

The main money sucker was Monsoon/Accessorize stealing £60 of my money. 

This beautiful bag is from Monsoon, it's real leather and incredibly soft. So far it feels like the perfect bag. It wasn't cheap at £44.50 but I feel like I got my moneys worth with this. 

I love socks and these were £1.75 each. Doesn't get much better than that!

3 pack of bracelets from Accessorize, I don't really need them but I prefer the stretchy bracelets to bangles, easier to wear to work. 

Set of bandos, mainly for running but some of them are really cute. 

Next up was Zara which was crazy busy but I did get these two really cute tops. 

This one was somewhere around the £14 mark, its a lightweight jumper with a little cream collar and a zip up the back. I think it's adorable. 

This one was £9.98 or something and its a navy top with faux leather straps, really simple but cute. 

I also went to CEX which is a trade in shop good for games and DVDs where I picked up Sex and The City season 4 for £1.. yes £1! And The Walking Dead game on PS3 for £18, not sure how I feel about the game though.. Not really what I was expecting but oh well. 

So that is it for my Christmas/January sales haul. I have made a deal with my boyfriend as he has given up Alchol till the end of Feb I am giving up shopping. Lets see who cracks first. 


  1. good luck with your deal with your boyfriend, you can do it!! great haul, love that bag:-) x


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